Making A Smile Full Of Confidence

group of people smiling

Did you know that your smile says an incredible amount about how you feel and how others perceive you? Science has even shown that simply making the shape of a smile with your mouth causes an increase of blood to the brain and can boost your mood, making you happier. When you smile, it also causes those people around you to smile back, which also helps not only your own happiness, but also how others perceive you. At Dugger Dentistry, we want to let you know what a difference a white, bright smile can make to your confidence and to your life!

Perception of  a Smile

When you decide to smile or not, it may have a lot to do with how other people see you. For instance, a huge, cheerful smile can communicate positivity to those surrounding you. People can be more enthusiastic about your company and your smile can even result in increased optimism for those in your presence. A smile says to the world that you are friendly, honorable, and intelligent, all of which are qualities that people desire to have around them

Why We Smile Less

As obvious as it may seem, people who do not like their own smile, you end up smiling much less. This means that they do not get the all benefits discussed above. By not smiling, you can be perceived by others as closed off, uncooperative, or even dishonest. For many people this can be due to the color, look, or condition of their teeth. Stains or discolorations in your teeth can be embarrassing for some folks. Misalignments, chips and cracks can also affect a persons’ confidence level. Many times these cosmetic issues are just due age or heavy use, and can be simply fixed with dental methods.

What We Can Help With

At Dugger Dentistry, your West Linn dentist of choice, we offer a variety of cosmetic dental care to help you repair, whiten, or clean your teeth to help you boost your confidence. With our bleaching and teeth whitening services, we can help you get the smile you deserve. These safe and fairly inexpensive treatments are great options that we can also customize to your personal needs. We can also remove most stains from teeth enamel, to make your teeth return to their original luster. If you have teeth that need to repaired or straightened, then Dr. Dugger can help to fix many of those issues.

Care at Home

One of the best ways to keep your smile white and bright is to make sure you practice the best oral care at home. Are you spending the recommended three minutes brushing your teeth twice as day? Are you using the correct technique with the right brush (manual or electric)? The hygienists at Dugger Dentistry can demonstrate and teach you how to hold your brush and the best technique to get the very best results. They can also show you how to floss, as it is estimated only 15-20% of us floss regularly. Our hygienists know the best methods for flossing, even those hard-to-reach places. We would also be glad to talk about what foods and eating habits can cause your teeth to stain so that you can avoid those.

Contact us today to get started on getting the smile of your dreams and boosting your confidence.